Sunday 18 May 2008

A Week With The Juliana Theory

Six days, five shows, four meetings with a man in a suit, three hotels, two Norwich barmen and one awesome Band touring Europe for the first time in four years.

Monday 9th 2006 - Yeovil
It's a sunny yet cold day in the royal county and I'm literally throwing my stuff to keep me going for the next six days into my car. To my credit I was 99% sure that I had everything I needed to keep my self preservation between now and Saturday. The drive from Kingsclere to Yeovil according to my navigator was about ninety miles and I was due to get there about half three after a couple of stops.
Stone Henge is on the right about three quarters of the way, I thought about stopping but it actually looked quite crowded so I pressed on so I'd get to Yeovil in time for the in-store signing by some of The Juliana Theory guys.
I managed to find the store, which wasn't far from the Ski Lodge, which is where the show was later that night. Brett and Chad were already at Acorn Records signing posters when I got there and I had the pleasure of sitting with them for about half an hour, well apart from when Chad decided that it would be fun to colour-in the posters that they were signing so I sprinted over to pound land across the street to buy some colour pens. When I got back I slammed the pens on the table to the delight of the guys who began colouring in their posters and dispersing them. The guys were really cool and chatted to their visitors a bit and afterward Chad left to get some money exchanged while Brett did some shopping in the store. I wished Brett the best and left to pick Johnny up from the train station and then head to the show.
The show was ok, the sound system at the Ski Lodge sucked so all the bands sounded some what blurred, but still I was getting to see TJT for the first time in almost four years and I didn't care. Looking around the place I must have been one of the oldest people there which made me feel like I was staring the grim reaper right in the face. You wouldn't believe what I'd do to be sixteen again…
During Haste The Day I left to use the gentleman's facilities only to bump into Brett again and discuss the inability to run lukewarm water with two taps instead of one. I stated our plumbing sucks. Brett agreed.
Right after the show we headed out since the bar was closed and I knew I'd have more opportunities to annoy the bands on the tour. We drove to Johnnies in Exeter, around 45 minutes west of Yeovil. This was the worst nights sleep humanly possible to since I was staying in his house mates room and I was waking up regularly to the horror that I was in a student house nooooo.

Total Miles: 144

Tuesday 10th 2006 - Manchester
Tuesday's show was in Manchester and I had a four to five hour drive to get there, find my hotel check in and find the venue.
On the way I was already aching in every possible joint and starting to feel a bit sick, surely I'd caught something from the students, after all I was feeling very lethargic and lazy but it turned out just to be a coincidence. After several stops I got to Manchester about 3pm. Within about six minutes of being on the streets some dude offered me hash at a very competitive price from what I understand. Six minutes! After that I thought I was going to be mugged, murdered and raped by midnight and in that order too. I checked into the Travel Lodge and then set out to find the hotel car park which was situated just around the corner. About two hours later after a piss poor one way system and a near head on collision I found the right car park. As I came out the NCP I not only found the TJT tour bus, the venue but my hotel within a half a turn of my head.
After some rest and food I went to the show. This time I was on my own but I knew it wouldn't matter and it didn't. The merchandise guy recognised me so I tipped him £3 after fishing out two pound coins from his tip cup and dropping a fiver in there, "don't let anyone nick that" I shouted at him, I also got a copy of the Zaccharia CD which is excellent and recommend highly.
This show was better, they sounded really clear but the crowd sucked a big erect one. I bet there'd be more life in Kurt Cobain if we compared them. After feeling like a bit of a tool wandering around on my own I left the venue and sat in my hotel window where I could see the tour bus. After seeing who I think was Haste The Day and running downstairs to see if they knew somewhere that was open late I could only find a couple of drunk blokes.

Total Miles: 386

Wednesday 11th 2006
Looking back in retrospect I wish I had driven to Aberdeen to see the Wednesday show. Today felt like an anticlimax after yesterday since I'm here in an absolute dive in Coventry that I found for £26. I was going to stay with my Friend Simon but he totally blew me off. Maybe he had a date with a hot christadelphian chick and just wasn't telling me. If that was the case I forgive him. The last thing I remember is falling asleep in my sleeping bag on top of the bed because I was too scared to get into it. Trust me you would have done the same.

Total Miles: 509

Thursday12th 2006 - Nottingham
I Knew today would be a good one because I had so much about Nottingham Rock city plus I was going to stay with a guy I used to work with who looks like Lenny Godper out or Porridge. I got into Leicester about three and hung out with Tim and his house mates until around half six and then we left for Nottingham.
When we finally stumbled into Rock city we got the last song of Zaccharia and then to my surprise Tim said he liked Haste The day. After the show I got a t-shirt for one of Tim's house mates, tipped the merch guy again and the Stephen the Haste The Day singer said how good the Aberdeen show was. Bastard.
The show was really good and the crowd was there too. This was TJT's first encore but I forget what they played. The intimate Rock City was awesome and I'd go back there in a second especially after what we found after.
Unlike most venues whereby they try to kick you out as soon as possible after they just kind of let us walk about elsewhere into other parts of the building. I didn't actually realise there was four different parts to Rock City. We stood on the ground level watch some guys with long hair head band for about twenty minutes to Pantera which was hardcore. The next level up was playing all sorts of popular radio type stuff, this was where we and Tim found Brett from the Juliana Theory and bundled him over to the bar and fed him a Jack Daniels. Now, when I drink Jack Daniels I can't help but wince from the after taste, not this guy, straight back. Now that's a man. Probably with no taste buds but a man all the same.
After viewing the punk room for a bit we finally got back into Leicester about one and I had the treat of sleeping in another student house this time in the front room next to some weights an inflatable chair and the Simpson's Game Of Life. This was the second worst nights sleep.

Total Miles: 613

Friday 13th 2006 - Norwich
This was the second show I was going to have to go to on my own, I was a little unhappier about this one. The only person I know that lives out in the corner of the country was in London tonight which was a shame because I would have really like to have seen her. After I found my hotel which turned out to be miles away from The Ferry Boat I thought I'd get there early, you know being a pub it will probably be open all day plus I can annoys the bands for a bit. Wrong. I got a taxi there just after four and it was shut. Luckily though there was a retail park over the bridge so I kept myself busy down there until about 6:15. I bumped into Brett again looking for les toilets and he actually remembered my name which was pretty smart. Dammit he looks fantastic in a suit, I'm so heterosexually jealous.
I kept myself busy with some Jack Daniels and Diet coke and a Daily Star for a bit and then I went to explore the venue.
After annoying the merch guy again for a bit I went into the old barn that adjoins the pub to see Zaccharia play their set in what has to be the worst ever venue especially if your standing behind me. They were really good as usual so I bought a t-shirt and got them to sign it.
I saw Stephen from Haste The Day in the toilet and said "hello sir" to him I think this took him by surprise as he seem shaken by my urinal chat.
I saw Brett again and he asked what song I wanted to see tomorrow and I said We're At The Top Of The World since so many people love that song (trying to be selfless) and This Is the End of Your Life since I knew they still play it live. He said he'd try and sound check it for tomorrows show.
TJT were really good bearing in mind they were playing in a cow shed and were on the same level as the crowd. White Days sounded awesome. During Shotgun Serenade I drunkenly pointed at Brett whilst rocking out during the line
'Here's the final bullet to put our love to death. Our days are never coming back. I know it's you that can't forget. Bang, bang. Shoot, shoot.'
I got a pointed finger back which was nice. I'm pretty sure he things I'm a gay groupie by now.
After the show I was waiting for my taxi to take me back to my hotel and someone else must have nicked it because I was waiting there for ages. Luckily two of the guys who were working at the Ferry Boat gave me a lift back. Unluckily for the guy driving he got pulled over by the police about sixty seconds later. Still they found my joke about having a kilogram of heroin on me funny, I wonder if the policeman would have found it as funny?
My guys got me back to my hotel sometime after midnight. Today was really tiring and I fell asleep listening to the Howard stern show on my PSP. London was tomorrow and I knew this was the last show which was actually quite upsetting since I knew my trip was over and I'd have to go back to normalcy on Monday. But I'd make the most out of it. Not only was it going to be the biggest show it was going to be at Camden Underworld, my favourite venue.

Total Miles: 730

Saturday 14th 2006 - London
It took me about three hours to get back from Alan Partridge country and when I finally got back home I felt really sad that my adventure was almost over. For tonight's show I was taking a guy who I knew would act like a clown and probably try and ruin it for me in drunken ignorance. As it turned out he defiantly made it more interesting.
On the underground headed toward Camden Town he's sitting next to me like a mad scientist pouring vodka into bottles of coke opposite some small children. Afterwards he looks up, smiles and says "this is how we do it kids".
Camden Underworld itself had to be almost sold out. I think it can hold something like 600 people and it was pretty packed. We must have got there just before the end of Zaccharia. I took this opportunity to say hello and goodbye to the merchandise guy and Stephen from Haste The Day sitting next to him. I also got a picture witch both and then went to find my friend again. After Zaccharia we found Chad from TJT and we both got a picture with him only for my friend to kiss him just as the picture was taken.
When The Juliana Theory came on the crowd was electric, it was like nothing I have ever seen there before, the whole place was rocking and they sounded amazing. Brett even commented that he now had a new favourite show. Afterward they came back onto the stage to play their second encore of the tour and this time they cracked out DJ from their first album. The crowd went nuts.
When we got on to Camden high street we went into the pub next door called The Worlds End. In There I watched my friend snatch beer out of a big bloke's hand, pick up a stranger and carry him to the bar and steal someone's hat. I saw Chad Allen from the band and went and bought him some "cheap English beer". By this point I was ready to go so I left my friend who was now making friends with everyone in sight.
I fell asleep on the way home and nearly ended up in Eastleigh.
Now that would have been a hilarious ending.

Total Miles: 1100

Taken from my website

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